Resolution to Approve Purchase of 300-Gallon Capacity Carts from Snyder Industries - ITB 4307 (not-to-exceed $42,000.00 per year, for four years)
The attached resolution approves and authorizes 300-gallon cart purchases through the end of FY17 from Snyder Industries. The carts are being procured through ITB 4307, which was issued on September 30, 2013. Snyder Industries was the sole respondent to this ITB, and provided a qualifying bid.
These 300-gallon carts will be used as part of the City’s commercial and multi-family recycling program. They provide a large capacity recycling collection container for locations that need a container larger than the City’s standard 96-gallon cart, but smaller than a large metal dumpster. These 300-gallon carts will be serviced by Recycle Ann Arbor under an existing collection contract with the City.
The 300-gallon carts are particularly useful for locations that have large amounts of cardboard. The City purchased 50 of these carts June 2013 as a pilot, and has been testing them at various locations for the past six months. University Townhouses is a location that has converted to using these containers, and the feedback from University Townhouse managers and residents has been very positive, particularly with regards to the increased capacity and the greater stability of these carts in high wind situations.
Snyder Industries provided a price of $255.67 per container for 75-unit purchases or $250.53 per container for 150-unit purchases. Prices will increase 3 percent per year after the first 12 months. It is estimated that up to 150 of these carts will be purchased per year for the four year duration of the bid.
Funds for this purchase are available from the approved FY14 Operations and Maintenance Budget for solid waste and future years subject to annual appropriations by City Council.
Snyder Industries received HR Contract Compliance and Living Wage approval on June 8, 2013.
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