Resolution to Approve a Professional Services Agreement with Wade Trim Associates, Inc. for the Design of the Gallup Park Vehicle and Pedestrian Bridge ($285,524.06) (RFP No. 22-51)
Attached for your review and action is a resolution to approve a professional services agreement with Wade Trim Associates, Inc. (Wade Trim) in the amount of $285,524.06 to provide professional engineering services for the design of the new vehicle and pedestrian bridge (the bridge) in Gallup Park (RFP 22-51).
Budget/Fiscal Impact: Funding is available from the federal American Rescue Plan Act (ARPA) funds that were allocated to this project. City Council approved resolution R-22-096 to direct the allocation of ARPA funds, which allocated $2,300,000 toward the Gallup bridge project to be used for both design and construction of the project.
Project Description: The Parks and Recreation Open Space Plan identifies bridge repair as an on-going need and one of the major categories of capital project improvements.
The bridge was constructed in 1976 and has reached the end of useful life. A 2018 inspection identified the need to "begin the process of investigating the replacement of this structure, including design, funding sources, etc., as the life expectancy of this structure has been reached, if not exceeded."
In 2020, repairs were made to the bridge to extend its life until a replacement could be constructed. Additionally, the City engaged the community to provide input on the design for the bridge's replacement, as well as long-term plans for redeveloping the adjacent road and trail. The City hired the team of Wade Trim and SmithGroup to lead the community engagement and concept plan design, which resulted in a recommended bridge design concept and a schematic master plan for the surrounding area.
The City is now engaging an engineering firm to provide detailed design engineering for the new replacement bridge and road and trail adjustments to the immed...
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