An Ordinance to Repeal and Replace Chapter 113 (Regulation of Use of Model Glues) of Title IX (Police Regulations) of the Code of the City of Ann Arbor (ORD-21-38)
This ordinance will be reviewed for changes under the Criminal Ordinance Reform Project 2021-22. Proposed changes include:
• Adding the already existing penalty to the chapter for better understanding
• Altering pronouns to use gender neutral language
• Updating the list of commonly inhaled glues. The prior list is from 1966 and does not include substances found in more modern day stores.
• Emphasizing that one is expressly prohibited from operating a motor vehicle while under the influence of an intoxicating agent even if the substance was legally ingested
This ordinance, along with all other amended ordinances in the Reform Project are scheduled to go into effect on April 15th, 2022. This will afford time for the training of sworn and unsworn police department employees, the recalibration of our hand held ticket devices, and coordination with our local court system in an efficient manner.
Prepared by: Arianne Slay, Deputy City Attorney
(See Attached Ordinance)