Resolution to Approve City of Ann Arbor Fire Department as a Funding Participant of the 2014 Fire Prevention and Safety (FP&S) Grant from the US Department of Homeland Security ($251,116.00), and Appropriate Share of Matching Grant Funds to the Fire Service Unit ($3,631.00) (8 Votes Required)
The attached resolution approves the City of Ann Arbor Fire Department (AAFD) agency participation in the City of Ypsilanti Fire Department application for a 2014 Fire Prevention and Safety (FP&S) Grant from the US Department of Homeland Security from the US Department of Homeland Security. If the grant is awarded to the City of Ypsilanti, it authorizes AAFD to establish a grant administration fund account, appropriate matching funds to the Fire Department expenditure funds and finally transfer all matching funding to the major grant fund for the management of the grant and expenditure of the funds by AAFD for the life of the Project without regard to fiscal year.
The application process began in March of 2014 and the continuation of this process and required appropriation of matching funds requires the approval of this resolution per city policy. The award, under the auspice of the Fire Prevention and Safety grant program (FP&S), if received, would fund Fire Prevention training and computer technology equipment for four Fire Departments within Washtenaw County. This grant program is a competitive peer review program. The anticipated grant amount, if the City of Ypsilanti is awarded the grant, would be $251,116.00.
Four Washtenaw County Fire Departments have agreed to participate with the City of Ypsilanti regional grant application and will be responsible for a share of the 5% match to the grant ($12,555.80) defined by the number of each department's requests for training and equipment.
The Ann Arbor Fire Department (AAFD) will be responsible for funding their portion of the 5% of grant monies, at $3,631.00.
The approval of this grant wi...
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