Resolution to Approve the Procurement of Water Meters from Michigan Meter Technology Group, Inc. ($35,927.70)
Attached is a resolution to authorize the procurement of Water Meters from Michigan Meter Technology Group, Inc., for an amount not-to-exceed $35,927.70. ITB#4152 was issued in April, 2011 for Procurement of Water Meters to replenish the depleted inventory. The following four bids were received for furnishing water meters;
Badger Meter, Inc. - $26,788.50 (base bid not submitted; unit prices read)
SLC Meter Service, Inc. - $33,190.64 (Alt Bid 1; base bid not submitted)
Michigan Meter Technology Group - $35,927.70
Etna Supply Company - $40,440.00 (base bid not submitted; unit prices read, unit price list incomplete)
The bid documents requested submittal of pricing for Neptune meters. A technical review of meters available in the open market was conducted to determine which meter should be selected. The technical review focused on ease of product maintenance, product reliability, overall product quality and quality of customer service. The results of the technical review indicated that Neptune meters provided the most appropriate product for the City’s needs. Only one bidder submitted bids including the specified meter brand; Michigan Meter Technology Group, Inc. The apparent low bidder did not supply pricing for the specified meters. In addition, it was desired to locate a vendor that could offer local technical support for their represented product. Michigan Meter Technology Group, Inc. is able to offer the desired local support through their office in Madison Heights, Michigan.
Since Michigan Meter Technology Group, Inc. submitted the only bid to supply the specified water meters, the contract for procurement of Water Meters was awarded to Michigan Meter Technology Group via resolution #R-11-274. Purchases in the amount of $35,927.70. were approved for FY12. We are returning to Council for an additional award of $35,9...
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