Resolution Restricting Peddling and Sidewalk Occupancy Permits during the Ann Arbor Art Fairs
Attached for your review and approval is a resolution restricting peddling and sidewalk occupancy permits during the Ann Arbor Art Fairs in a buffer zone around the Art Fairs. The buffer zone is described below and depicted in the attached map.
City Council is permitted under Chapter 79 (Solicitors and Peddlers) of the Ann Arbor City Code to restrict soliciting and peddling at times and places of Art Fairs or other special events. Also, under Chapter 47 (Streets and Sidewalks) of the Ann Arbor City Code, City Council is permitted to restrict the issuance of Sidewalk Occupancy permits at times when congestion in the City or a part of the City is too great to allow sidewalk occupancy.
If approved, Peddler/Solicitor licenses and Sidewalk Occupancy permits would be invalid within the area described as follows, except for sidewalk occupancy allowed by Art Fairs organizers on streets closed by City Council for the Art Fairs:
Beginning at Hill and Washtenaw, Hill east to Oxford, Oxford north to Geddes, Geddes west to Observatory, Observatory north to Ann Street, Ann Street west to Glen, Glen south to E. Huron Street, E. Huron Street west to N. Division, N. Division north to Catherine, Catherine west to North Main Street, continuing west from North Main Street on Miller to First Street, First Street south to Madison, Madison east to Packard, Packard south to Hill, Hill east to the point of beginning;
If approved, the buffer zone would not apply to those businesses vending in front of their own place of business.
If approved, staff would notify solicitors and peddlers at the time they applied for a solicitors, peddlers, or sidewalk occupancy permits of these restrictions.
Prepared by: Jayne Miller, Community Services Area Administrator
Whereas, The City Council is permitted under Chapter 79 (Solicitors and Peddlers) of the Ann Arbor City ...
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