Resolution to Approve a Service Purchase Order with DownUnder Municipal Services, LLC for Sanitary Sewer Cleaning Services for the Northside Sanitary Sewer Sub-main Project ($36,219.05)
Attached for your review and approval, please find a resolution approving a Service Purchase Order with DownUnder Municipal Services, LLC in the amount of $36,219.05 for sanitary sewer cleaning and videotaping services on the subject project.
The FY 2008-2013 Capital Improvements Plan (CIP) includes project UT-SN-83-23, the Northside Sanitary Sewer Sub-main Project - Phase I. The project includes the relining of the existing twelve-inch sanitary sewer that runs along the Huron River from Barton to Longshore Drives. We will also be rehabilitating the existing manholes along this stretch of sewer. As part of the project we will also be rehabilitating a storm sewer outfall along the project route that has fallen into disrepair. This project is included in the City’s adopted FY 2008 Budget.
As we begun work on the design of the sewer relining we requested our Field Operations personnel to videotape the existing sewer so that we could determine the condition of the existing pipe and verify that the intended design solution was appropriate. Upon reviewing the video inspection, we discovered that the sewer contained several blockages from tree roots that were causing effluent to back-up in the sewer pipe and not allow us to see enough of it to evaluate its condition. As a result, we decided that the sewer needed to be cleaned and the roots removed so that the video inspection could be effective. Due to the location of this sewer, our Field Operations personnel do not have the necessary equipment to be able to reach all portions of the sewer and clean it completely. The services of an outside firm to perform the cleaning are required.
A request for bids for the needed work was issued by the City on October 20, 2008. Bids were received from two companies ...
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