Resolution to Approve a Design Phase Agreement with the National Railroad Passenger Corporation (Amtrak) for $97,020.00 for Review of Design Plans for the Allen Creek Railroad Berm Opening Project
Attached for your review and consideration for approval is a resolution authorizing a Design Phase Agreement with the National Railroad Passenger Corporation (Amtrak) for $97,020.00 for the review of the design plans for the Allen Creek Railroad Berm Opening Project.
In 2007, City Council approved a Flood Mitigation Plan, which included a recommendation to study the Allen Creek railroad berm. The railroad berm is oriented perpendicular to the overland drainage flow pattern of Allen Creek and causes the floodplain depth in this area of the City to be as deep as 10 feet.
In December of 2013, the City and its consultant, OHM Advisors, completed a feasibility study to determine if it was possible to create openings in the railroad berm to accommodate passage of floodwaters, as well as to allow pedestrians to cross safely under the railroad to get to the park facilities to the north. The feasibility study indicated that it would be possible to lower the floodplain elevation in the area by as much as 6.5 feet as well as accommodate non-motorized access under the railroad. One of the options, which includes pedestrian access, was determined to be acceptable to the Michigan Department of Transportation (MDOT), who is the owner of the railroad, and was selected as the preferred option.
On June 27, 2016, the Michigan State Police-Emergency Management Division (MSP-EM) provided City Staff with a FEMA Hazard Mitigation Assistance Grant agreement for the first phase of a two-phase project to create openings in the railroad berm. Phase one will consist of the engineering design, development of construction plans, and preparation of the phase two-hazard mitigation grant application. Phase one is estimated to take one year to complete. Phase two is the constructi...
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