Resolution to Approve FY2010-2015 Capital Improvements Plan (CPC Recommendation: Approval - 8 Yeas and 0 Nays)
Attached is a resolution to approve the FY 2010-2015 Capital Improvements Plan (CIP). The CIP identifies major public construction projects and improvements anticipated during the next six fiscal years. The CIP has received significant staff and public review, including a public hearing before the City Planning Commission.
The CIP serves as a tool to prioritize and plan for capital improvement recommendations of the various City Master Plans. In addition, the CIP will provide guidance in budget preparation and long-range financial planning, particularly with regard to those projects included in the first two years of the document, which will be considered for inclusion in the Capital Budget submission to the City Council in the spring of 2009.
The City Planning Commission adopted the plan at its meeting of December 16, 2008, and recommends Council approval of the plan
Prepared by: Cresson S. Slotten, P.E., Senior Project Manager, Public Services
Reviewed by: Sue F. McCormick, Public Services Administrator
Tom Crawford, Chief Financial Officer
Jayne Miller, Community Services Administrator
Approved by: Roger W. Fraser, City Administrator
Whereas, Section 1:185 of the Ann Arbor City Code requires that the City Planning Commission annually prepare a Capital Improvements Program (CIP) for the ensuing six fiscal years;
Whereas, The Capital Improvements Program consists of a Capital Improvements Plan and Budget;
Whereas, The FY2010-2015 Capital Improvements Plan, which was prepared through a CIP Review Subcommittee and by the efforts of the Public Services Area, Financial Services Area and Community Services Area, was submitted to the Ann Arbor City Planning Commission for consideration;
Whereas, A duly-noticed public hearing was held by the City Planning Commission on December 16, 2008; and
Whereas, The City ...
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