Resolution to Approve the Noodles and Company Site Plan, 2161 West Stadium (CPC Recommendation: Approval - 9 Yeas, 0 Nay)
Attached is a resolution to approve the Noodles and Company Site Plan. Approval of this resolution will allow the construction of 2,679 square foot restaurant building.
Petition Summary:
· The site is zoned C3 and C2B.
· The site proposes construction of a 2,679 square foot building for use as a restaurant.
· The project will construct a 27-vehicle parking lot with drive connections to the north and south. Four covered bicycle parking spaces will be provided.
· Currently, there is one 4,300 square foot building on the site, which will be demolished. The existing building is on the same parcel as 2151 West Stadium (Big M car wash), and a land division is currently under review to divide the subject parcel from the Big M site to the south. After approval of the site plan, planning staff will finalize the land division request.
The City Planning Commission recommended approval of this request at its meeting of March 6, 2012, subject to 1) approval of the associated land division, and 2) recording of a permanent off-site access easement prior to issuance of building permits.
Attachments: 2/23/12 Planning Staff Report, 2/23/12 Planning Commission Minutes
Prepared By: Matt Kowalski, City Planner
Reviewed By: Wendy L. Rampson, Planning Manager and Sumedh Bahl, Community Services Administrator
Whereas, Gallup properties has requested site plan approval in order to develop a 2,679 square foot building at 2161 West Stadium Boulevard;
Whereas, The Ann Arbor City Planning Commission, on March 6, 2012, recommended approval of the petition;
Whereas, The development would comply with the requirements of Chapter 55, and with all applicable local, state, or federal laws, ordinances, standards and regulations; and
Whereas, The development would not cause a public or private nuisance and would not have a...
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