Resolution to Award a Contract to PROCARE Tree Service LLC for Tree Pruning along City Street Rights-of-Way ($46,050.00)
Attached for your review and action is a resolution to approve a $46,050.00 contract with PROCARE Tree Service, LLC d/b/a CHOP for street tree pruning.
ITB-4450 was issued on BidNet for Tree Pruning along City street rights-of-way. Two bids were received and opened on May 17, 2016. CHOP, with a bid of $46,050.00 was the lowest responsible bidder.
Sustainability Framework
This contract continues a multi-phased approach to address the backlog of tree maintenance activities as described in the Urban and Community Forest Management Plan, adopted by City Council in June 2014 (R-14-0696). The work completed under this contract moves the city towards implementing recommendation #1 of the Urban and Community Forest Management Plan, to implement a proactive routine maintenance program; and furthers the Healthy Ecosystem and Sustainable Systems goals of the City's Sustainability Framework.
Budget/Fiscal Impacts
Funding was made available during the FY2015 budget process, which provided a one-time $1,000,000.00 allocation of general fund surplus to the approved FY15 capital budget for purposes of this project without regard to fiscal year.
The tree pruning activities under this contract focus on removing large dead, broken, hanging or diseased limbs of trees listed as priority 1 pruning in the tree inventory.
Below is a summary of the work to be completed by CHOP and its impact on the current backlog.
Tree Pruning (Priority 1)
Current Backlog: 335 Trees
CHOP Work: 250 Trees
Remaining Backlog: 85 Trees
City Forestry staff is also working towards addressing the current backlog of tree pruning, and will address the remaining backlog.
The resolution also includes a request for a 5% contingency in the amount of $2,302.00 to cover potential change orders to be approved by the City Admini...
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