Resolution to Appropriate Funding for the Professional Services Agreement with Stantec Consulting Services, Inc. for RFP 21-24 - City of Ann Arbor Hazard Mitigation Plan Update ($145,238) (8 Votes Required)
Council approved a professional services agreement in the amount of $145,238 with Stantec Consulting Services, Inc. in November 2021 as part of Resolution No. R-21-412. At that time, we had received preliminary approval for a Hazard Mitigation Grant via the Building Resilient Infrastructure and Communities (BRIC) FY2020 funding program.
We submitted the BRIC grant application on January 14, 2021. We contacted the State in May 2021 and it was expected that a decision would be made by December 2021. We contacted the State again in January 2022 and they anticipated decisions would be made by early March; however, the grant is still pending further review by the Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA).The grant application has been in this status since July 1, 2021.
The hazard mitigation plan must be renewed with FEMA every five years to maintain our current flood insurance rating and our eligibility for FEMA grant programs. The current plan expires in November 2022.
When we applied for the BRIC grant, we were following FEMA's recommended 12-month project timeline. We must move forward with the professional services agreement in order to leverage an expedited 8-month project timeline and update the plan before it expires. Failure to update the hazard mitigation plan before it expires would result in the City becoming potentially ineligible for future FEMA grants and likely cause a decrease in our flood insurance rating.
Budget/Fiscal Impact: It is being requested that the funding for this project be appropriated from the FY22 General Fund fund balance for the amount of the contract ($145,238). It is also recommended that a $5,000 contingency be approved to cover any unforeseen contract changes that might arise due to the compre...
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