Fourth Quarter 2008 Investment Portfolio Report
Attached for your information is the City's investment portfolio report for the fourth quarter 2008. At December 31, the portfolio calendar year-to-date return on investments net of fees was 3.87%. The portfolio return net of fees for the quarter was 3.69%. The weighted average yield for the portfolio for the fourth quarter was 3.75%, which exceeded the 12-month trailing rate of the 2-year Treasury Note as of December 31 (2.01%) by 174 basis points. The weighted average effective maturity at quarter end was 484 days.
The Governmental Accounting Standards Board requires under Statement 31 that all investments be recorded at fair value versus amortized cost. At quarter end, the amortized cost value of the portfolio was $229,363,290.04. If investments were recorded using the fair value method, the value of the portfolio would be $236,447,898.32. Recording investments at fair market value, the portfolio experienced an unrealized gain of $7,084,608.28.
Prepared by: Matthew V. Horning, Treasurer
Reviewed by: Tom Crawford, Chief Financial Officer