Resolution to Approve the Request to Transfer all Stock in a 2008 Resort Class C Liquor Licensed Business from Max & Erma's Restaurants, Inc., located at 445 E. Eisenhower Parkway, Suite 1 - D/B/A Max and Erma's
Attached is a resolution to approve the request from Max & Erma's Restaurants, Inc. to transfer all stock in a 2008 Resort Class C Liquor Licensed business, located at 445 E. Eisenhower Parkway, Suite, in Ann Arbor, Michigan from Public Corporation to new stockholder, G & R Acquisition, Inc. The applicant plans to maintain the same operation as currently licensed.
The Police, Planning and Development, Treasurer, Fire Services and the Council Liquor License Review Committee approved the application. There are no delinquent property taxes, all application fees are paid and there are no objections from City Staff.
Prepared by : Anissa R. Bowden, Council Administrative Coordinator
Reviewed by: Jacqueline Beaudry, City Clerk
Approved by: Roger Fraser, City Administrator
RESOLVED, That the request from Max & Erma's Restaurants, Inc. to transfer all stock in a 2008 Resort Class C Liquor Licensed business, located at 445 E. Eisenhower Parkway, Suite, in Ann Arbor, Michigan from Public Corporation to new stockholder, G & R Acquisition, Inc d/b/a Max & Erma's, be approved.