Resolution to Accept and Appropriate Funds from the Michigan Office of Environment, Great Lakes, and Energy (EGLE) for the Purchase and Installation of 3 Utility Pole Mounted FLO SmartTWO EV Chargers ($54,000) (8 Votes Required)
The City of Ann Arbor has an ambitious carbon neutrality goal that includes supporting community-wide electrified transportation. These efforts include installing publicly accessible electric vehicle (EV) charging stations, which allow for greater adoption of EV charging. Since A2ZERO passed City Council, the City has installed 4 DC Fast Chargers, and 40 dual port Level 2 EV charging stations in Ann Arbor, all in the downtown area. For the high percentage of residents in Multi-Unit Dwellings (MUDs), adopting an EV can be difficult due to lacking a dedicated parking spot, or the inability to easily install charging where they park. This is a major challenge for overall EV adoption, not just in Ann Arbor, but across the country. The Office of Sustainability and Innovations has worked with MUDs across the community to help with EV charging installations, but also recognizes that multiple strategies should be employed and investigated. One strategy used in other communities has been to locate curbside EV charging near areas of dense MUDs.
In March of 2022, DTE and EGLE approached the City of Ann Arbor to discuss the potential for an EV charging pilot focused on curbside EV charging located on DTE owned utility poles. Throughout conversations with both entities, locations were narrowed down based on various constraints such as electrical capacity, adjacent parking availability, and the priority areas identified by OSI. Two locations were determined most feasible located on E. Kingsley and N. Ingalls streets in the Old Fourth Ward.
OSI staff, applied for a grant from EGLE, and was awarded up to $54,000 in funding for the purchase and installation of three (3) utility pole mounted FLO SmartTWO EV Chargers and all the ass...
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