Resolution to Approve a Grant Contract with the Michigan Department of Transportation for Work Related to the Environmental Assessment and Integrated Noise Modeling for the Safety Extension of Runway 6/24 at the Ann Arbor Municipal Airport ($75,000.00)
Attached for your review and approval is a resolution to approve a grant contract with the Michigan Department of Transportation-Bureau of Aeronautics (MDOT-Aero) in the amount of $75,000.00 for the completion of components of the environmental assessment (EA) and integrated noise modeling for the extension of runway 6/24 at the airport. This is the second of three grant agreements for this project. The first grant agreement is also on this agenda. The third and final grant agreement on this project won’t be available until late March 2009.
The grant amount of $75,000.00 is comprised of $60,000.00 in federal funds, $13,125.00 in state funds and $1,875.00 in city matching funds. The city’s share of this grant is included in the Airport’s current operating budget. All funding (city, state and federal) for this project will come from fees paid by users of aviation industry services. The grant is administered by MDOT-Aero and they will make payments directly to the contractor for grant eligible expenses.
This overall project consists of completing an EA of the potential impacts related to an 800’ runway extension and a shift of the runway 150’ to the southwest. These modifications were depicted on the Airport Layout Plan approved by Council in September 2008. The full scope of the EA will be completed by two consulting firms, Smith Group JJR, LLC and URS Corporation. Smith Group JJR, through their Ann Arbor office, will be the lead consulting firm on the EA tasks including the public involvement and coordination. URS Corporation, the Airport’s design engineer, will be preparing preliminary engineering on the runway safety extension and completing other technical tasks in support of the E...
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