Resolution to Approve and Appropriate funds for Amendment No. 1 to the Professional Services Agreement with Tetra Tech, Inc. ($178,596.00) (8 Votes Required)
Attached for your review and approval is a resolution to approve Amendment No. 1 to the Professional Services Agreement with Tetra Tech, Inc. (formerly known as Tetra Tech GEO, Inc.) and to appropriate funds from the Solid Waste Enterprise Fund Balance without regard to fiscal year in the amount of $178,596.00. The amended contract amount totals $543,386.00. We are requesting an amendment to the existing contract with Tetra Tech, Inc. (TTI) for various additional tasks associated with the continued monitoring and maintenance of the Ann Arbor Landfill.
To satisfy the requirements of the Michigan Department of Environmental Quality (MDEQ), the groundwater and air in the vicinity of the landfill must be sampled and analyzed quarterly.
To select the most qualified environmental consulting firm to assist the City with the monitoring and maintenance of the Ann Arbor Landfill, a request for proposals was posted to the Michigan Inter-governmental Trade Network (MITN) BidNetĀ® website. In response to our request, fourteen environmental consulting firms submitted proposals to perform the work. A selection committee, comprised of City staff reviewed and selected four firms to interview. After Interviews were conducted, TTI was selected as the most qualified consulting firm based on their previous work experience, their proposed work plan, their competitive fee schedule and their interview. TTI has been performing these services at the landfill since July 2007.
For many years the landfill has had a plume of 1, 4 Dioxane and Vinyl Chloride contamination offsite primarily in Southeast Area Park, northeast of the landfill. A slurry wall was constructed along approximately 4/5th of the boundary of the landfill to eliminate groundwater passing through the landfill and three purge wells were used...
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