Resolution to Approve Davis Row Site Plan, 303 West Davis (CPC Recommendation: Approval - 7 Yeas and 0 Nays)
Approval of this resolution will allow for the construction of a four-unit townhome structure with eight (8) enclosed vehicle parking spaces.
Petition Summary:
The Site Plan proposes the combination of two (2) existing parcels (zoned R4C) and construction of a four0unit townhome development with eight (8) parking spaces located in garages under the residences.
Two variances were required from the Zoning Board of Appeals (ZBA). The first variance is to permit the west drive to line up directly with the terminus of First Street at West Davis. The second variance is to allow a tandem (front to back) parking arrangement for a total of eight (8) spaces (6 required). Both variances were granted by the ZBA on August 26, 2015.
The City Planning Commission, at its meeting of August 18, 2015, recommended approval of this request contingent upon approval of the requested variances.
Attachments: 8/18/15 Planning Staff Report
8/18/15 Planning Commission Minutes
Prepared By: Matt Kowalski, City Planner
Reviewed By: Ben Carlisle, Senior Associate Planner
Colin Smith, Interim Planning Manager
Sumedh Bahl, Community Services Area Administrator
Whereas, Maven Development has requested site plan approval in order to develop a four-unit townhome structure with eight (8) enclosed vehicle parking spaces;
Whereas, The Ann Arbor City Planning Commission, on August 18. 2015, recommended approval of the petition, contingent upon approval of the requested variances;
Whereas, The Ann Arbor City Zoning Board of Appeals, on August 26, 2015, recommended approval of the variances requested;
Whereas, With the approval of the requested variances, the development complies with the R4C zoning established pursuant to the requirements of Chapter 55, and with all applicable local, state, or federal laws, ord...
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