Resolution to Approve Amendment 1 to the Professional Services Agreement between the City of Ann Arbor and Dawn, Inc. ($85,000.00)
At the beginning of FY2024, the City, through its Supportive Connections Deflection Program, entered into a professional services agreement with Dawn Inc. for residential treatment services not to exceed $75,000 for FY24. Due to greater than anticipated demand for services, Supportive Connections anticipates that expenses will exceed $75,000 and, therefore city council approval is required to amend the existing agreement.
Additional funds in the amount of $10,000.00 are requested, bringing the total for the contract to $85,000.00.
Budget/Fiscal Impact: Funding for this increase is available in the FY2024 Supportive Connections Budget.
Prepared by: Eric Rabb, Budget Analyst
Reviewed by: Johnathan Laye, Supportive Connections
Approved by: Milton Dohoney Jr, City Administrator
Whereas, At the beginning of FY2024, the City, through its Supportive Connections Deflection Program, entered into a professional services agreement with Dawn Inc. for residential treatment services not to exceed $75,000 for FY24 (the Agreement).
Whereas, Due to greater than anticipated demand for services, the Supportive Connections Deflection Program anticipates that expenses pursuant to the Agreement will exceed $75,000.
Whereas, An additional amount of $10,000.00 is needed for services under the Agreement and approval of an amendment to the Agreement is required to address this need;
Whereas, Dawn, Inc. complies with the City's Conflict of Interest, Living Wage and Non-Discrimination ordinance requirements; and
Whereas, Adequate funding for the contract amendment is available in the approved FY2024 Supportive Connections budget;
RESOLVED, That the City Council approve Amendment 1 to the Professional Services Agreement between the City of Ann Arbor and Dawn, Inc. increasing the amount of compensation by $10...
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