Washtenaw Avenue Non-Motorized Path Project Special Assessment Resolution No. 2
Attached for your review and approval is Resolution No. 2 for the public improvements to be constructed as part of the Washtenaw Avenue Non-Motorized Path Project, District #38. The improvements include construction of a 10-foot wide, non-motorized asphalt path along the north/northeast side of Washtenaw Avenue between Glenwood Road and Tuomy Road. In addition, retaining walls will be constructed to minimize grading impacts, and a sidewalk will be reconstructed from Washtenaw Avenue to Adare Circle. Resolution No. 2 establishes the cost of the project and its distribution.
The path will be constructed on the north/northeast side of Washtenaw Avenue, between Glenwood Road and Tuomy Road. The addition of the path is consistent with the Comprehensive Non-Motorized Transportation Plan recommendations. The design is complete and temporary grading permits have been secured. Final plans were submitted to the Michigan Department of Transportation in May of 2010 for a July 2010 letting. Construction will start in the fall of 2010.
On February 21, 2006, City Council approved Resolution R-55-2-06 authorizing City funds and federal enhancement funds for the project. The Michigan Department of Transportation's Transportation Enhancement Grant of $357,500.00 would represent 65% of the projects construction costs; the remaining 35% of project construction costs and design would be derived from the Alternative Transportation Fund and special assessments. The costs were based on preliminary engineering estimates.
A public meeting for this project was held on December 11, 2008 at Tappan Middle School's Media Center. All neighboring residents and affected property owners included in the assessment district were invited to attend. Approximately 40 residents attended. The majority of the attendees (60-65%) opposed the project, citing concerns over the path's need, the inappropriate use of taxpayer's money, and impacts on natural features and personal property. Those in favor of the project noted it was a needed public improvement and looked forward to using it. Several informal public meetings were held throughout 2009, while temporary grading permits were secured to enable the proposed construction.
The total anticipated cost of construction for Washtenaw Avenue Non-Motorized Path is $1,580,000.00 of which $538,527.00 will be funded from the Transportation Enhancement grant program, $155,512.00 will be funded from the Urban Surface Transportation Program, and the remainder of $885,961.00 will be the City's local match, of which $59,234.00 will be paid by special assessment.
The parcels to be special assessed have frontage on Washtenaw Avenue. The amount of the special assessment will be comparable to the cost of constructing a 5-foot concrete sidewalk in lieu of assessing the parcels based on project costs, due to restrictions outlined in the Transportation Enhancement Grant.
Another restriction outlined in the Grant is maintenance of the path; all burdens associated with repair, replacement, and maintenance, including mowing, tree trimming, and snow removal, will be borne by the City.
Prepared by: Homayoon Pirooz, P.E., Project Management Manager
Reviewed by: Sue F. McCormick, Public Services Administrator and David Petrak, City Assessor
Approved by: Roger W. Fraser, City Administrator
Whereas, Plans and specifications for the Washtenaw Avenue Non-motorized Path, District #38 have been prepared;
Whereas, The City will maintain the path; including repair, replacement, maintenance, mowing, tree trimming, and snow removal; and
Whereas, A construction estimate and appropriate fund sources have been established;
1. That the City Council determines the local cost of said improvement, including all incidentals, to be $885,96.00, and that of said cost, the sum of $59,234.00, be paid by special assessment upon the property specially benefited;
2. That the following described lots and parcels of land be designated as constituting the special assessment district against which the cost of said improvement shall be assessed, or against which an improvement charge shall, pursuant to Section 1.278 of the City Code, be levied:
3. That the City Assessor be hereby directed to prepare a special assessment roll in accordance with the foregoing determinations of the City Council and to file the same, together with his certificate attached thereto, with the City Clerk for presentation to the City Council.