Resolution to Approve the New Contract with EyeMed Vision Care to Provide Vision Coverage to City Employees and their Dependents and Authorize the City Administrator to Execute the Necessary Documentation ($211,376.00)
The attached Resolution authorizes the City Administrator to execute the New Contract of vision coverage services with our vision care service provider. The estimated cost of this employee benefit is $211,376.00 for a four year contract. EyeMed is a fully insured vision provider which means they do not issue a contract, only a benefit description.
This Plan is a fully insured program, and requires the City to pay a set monthly premium that is in place for the next four years. The monthly premiums are $4.53 for Single, $8.61 for two people, and $12.64 for a family.
EyeMed received Human Rights approval on February 26, 2010.
The above referenced cost projections are in accordance with the approved Fiscal Year 2010 - 2011 budget, barring any unforeseen circumstances. The benefit coverage levels will remain the same for the Fiscal Year 2010-2011 as currently underwritten.
Prepared by: Kelly Beck, Employee Benefits Supervisor
Reviewed by: Robyn Wilkerson, HR and Labor Relations Director
Whereas, The City provides vision care coverage to City employees and their eligible dependents in accordance with the employee benefits program and various labor contracts at an estimated annual cost of approximately $52,844;
Whereas, The Human Resources Services recommends a contract with EyeMed Vision Care as the City provider with a four-year contract term ending June 30, 2014;
Whereas, Funds have been appropriated in the Fiscal Year 2010 - 2011 budget to cover projected costs associated with the provision of vision care coverage; and
Whereas, EyeMed Vision Care received Human Rights approval on February 26, 2010;
RESOLVED, That City Council approve the new contract for the period July 1, 2010 to June 30, 2014, with EyeMed Vision Care to provide vision care coverage to City employees and their eligible dependents; and
RESOLVED, That the City Administrator be authorized and directed to execute the necessary contract documentation after approval as to form by the City Attorney and take any further necessary administrative actions to implement this resolution.