Resolution Accepting the Warranty Deed from Charter Oak Homes, Inc. (Mallets Creek Park) (8 Votes Required)
There is a resolution before you to accept a warranty deed for parkland from Charter Oak Homes, Inc. The deed conveyed 3.18 acres of land for Mallets Creek Park in the SW ¼ Section of 35, City of Ann Arbor.
The warranty deed was conveyed to the City in 1998 as part of the Brentwood Square Site Development Agreement, recorded in Liber 3594, Pages 669-774; however, it was discovered recently during an internal archival audit that the deed had not been formally accepted by City Council. The Warranty deed was recorded on June 19, 1998 in Liber 3690, Page 691 of Washtenaw County records.
The warranty deed is in standard form and conveyed without cost to the City.
Acceptance of the warranty deed is recommended.
Prepared by: Ginny Trocchio, The Conservation Fund
Reviewed by: Jayne Miller, Community Services Area Administrator
Whereas, Charter Oak Homes, Inc., a Michigan corporation has warranted and conveyed a warranty deed to the City for a 3.18 acre parcel of land, being more particularly described as follows:
Commencing at the South ¼ Corner of Section 35, T2S, R6E, City of Ann Arbor, Washtenaw County, Michigan, thence N89055'00"W 208.56 feet along the South line of said Section 35; for a PLACE OF BEGINNING; thence continuing N89055'00"W 224.26 feet along said South line; thence the following 3 courses along the centerline of Mallett's Creek: N38058'00"W 186.28 feet, N45058'00"W 198.90 feet, and N72028'00"W 172.02 feet, thence along the easterly right-of-way line of Huron Parkway 77.71 feet along the arc of a 687.92 foot radius non-tangential circular curve to the right, with a chord bearing N40010'50"E 77.67 feet; thence continuing along said right-of-way N43025'00"E 178.66 feet; thence S46035'00"E 197.34 feet; thence 402.85 feet along the arc of a 1171 foot radius circular curve to the left, with a chord bearing S56026'20"E 400.87 feet; thence non-tangentially S00039'00"W 167.12 feet to the PLACE OF BEGINNING, being part of the Southwest ¼ of said Section 35, containing 3.18 acres of land, more or less, being subject to easements and restrictions of record, if any.
RESOLVED, That the City Council hereby accept said warranty deed.