Resolution to Approve the Purchase of Heavy Equipment/Truck Tires and Tire Repair Services from Shrader Tire & Oil (Omnia Partners; Not To Exceed $115,000.00 Annually)
The attached resolution authorizes the purchase of heavy equipment/truck tires and tire repair services in an amount not to exceed $115,000.00 per year from Shrader Tire & Oil for FY25 and FY26, subject to the availability of funding in FY26 and subject to the five-year renewal option of the Omnia Partners contract with Michelin Tire.
Michelin Tire was awarded contract #2019209 under the Omnia Partners cooperative purchasing program. All authorized Michelin tire dealers are authorized vendors under the Omnia Partners Contract. Shrader Tire & Oil has met the Omnia Partners requirements and is an authorized dealer under the contract.
The Fleet and Facilities Unit spends approximately $140,000.00 annually on heavy equipment/truck tires and tire repair services to maintain the City Fleet. These tires are frequently different brands and not all tire suppliers carry all brands. The contract with Shrader Tire & Oil is supplemented by smaller purchase orders with other tire suppliers. Shrader Tire & Oil has a nearby (Ypsilanti) service center which can provide a quick response when needed.
Budget/Fiscal Impact: Adequate funding for the purchase of heavy equipment/truck tires and tire repair services has been budgeted in the approved FY25 Fleet Services Operations and Maintenance Budget. Award of the FY26 purchase order would be subject to the availability of funds.
Shrader Tire & Oil complies with the requirements of the City’s Conflict of Interest and Non-Discrimination Ordinances.
Prepared by: CJ Stegink, Fleet Supervisor
Matthew J. Kulhanek, Fleet and Facilities Unit Manager
Reviewed by: John Fournier, Deputy City Administrator
Approved by: Milton Dohoney Jr., City Administrator
Whereas, The Fleet and Facilities Unit needs to purchase heavy equipment/truck tires and tire repair services to maintain the City’s fleet of vehicles and equipment;
Whereas, Competitive bids were received by the Omnia Partners cooperative purchasing program;
Whereas, Michelin Tire was awarded Contract Number 2019209 for Tires and Tire Repair Services;
Whereas, Shrader Tire & Oil is an authorized dealer under the Omnia Partners contract;
Whereas, Shrader Tire & Oil complies with the requirements of the City of Ann Arbor’s Conflict of Interest and Non-Discrimination Ordinance requirements; and
Whereas, Adequate funds for the purchase of tire and tire repair services are included in the approved FY2025 Fleet Services Operations and Maintenance Budget;
RESOLVED, That the City Council approves the issuance of a purchase order to Shrader Tire & Oil for the purchase of heavy equipment/truck tires and tire repair services to maintain the City’s fleet in an amount not to exceed $115,000.00 in FY2025 and not to exceed $115,000.00 for FY2026 subject to the availability of funding in FY2026 and the renewal of the Omnia Partners contract for Michelin Tire; and
RESOLVED, That the City Administrator be authorized to take the necessary actions to implement this resolution.