Resolution to Approve Interlocal Agreement with Oakland County For Live Scan Automated Fingerprinting System (Palm Scan Devices) ($3,313.00/annual per unit)
City Council Resolution R-63-2-02 authorized the purchase of Live Scan Automated Fingerprinting System for use by the Police Department and membership in the Oakland County CLEMIS (Corrections and Law Enforcement Management Information System) for use of their existing technological infrastructure to submit electronic fingerprints to the State.
Oakland County CLEMIS is requesting that a new Interlocal Agreement be executed by member municipalities who are receiving multi new Palm Scan Devices, which the City of Ann Arbor Police Department is one. The new Interlocal Agreement would continue to provide licensing, maintenance and technical support through a single negotiated Software License Agreement and Maintenance Agreement. This joint acquisition process was developed to reduce costs to the members and improved interoperability.
The new Interlocal Agreement rescinds and supersedes the Live Scan Maintenance Agreement previously entered into between Oakland County and the City.
Funding for these services is available through the Information Technology Services Unit budget;
Prepared by: Deputy Chief Bazick, AAPD; Mary Joan Fales, Senior Assistant City Attorney
Reviewed by: Chief Barnett Jones, AAPD/Safety Services Area Administrator
Approved by: Roger W. Fraser, City Administrator
Whereas, Since 2002 the City of Ann Arbor has been a members of Oakland County CLEMIS (Corrections and Law Enforcement Management Information System) for transmission through Live Scan of electronic fingerprints to the State Police;
Whereas, A necessary update of the Live Scan equipment adding a new handscanner system is planned that requires participating members to execute a new Interlocal Agreement;
Whereas, Continued participation in CLEMIS Public Safety Information Sharing Services and technological infrastructure management through single license, maintenance and support agreements allows the City and other public safety organizations in Washtenaw County and Southeast Michigan to realize cost sharing benefits and improved interoperability; and
Whereas, Funding for these services is available through the Information Technology Services Unit budget;
RESOLVED, That City Council approve continuation of CLEMIS services with Oakland County for the sharing of public safety information, including use of their existing technological infrastructure to submit electronic fingerprints to the State (e.g. Live Scan);
RESOLVED, That the Information Technology Fund shall be available for expenditure for annual membership for CLEMIS and equipment, licensing and maintenance fees for use of the Live Scan system;
RESOLVED, That the City Administrator be authorized to execute a Live Scan Agreement between Oakland County and the City of Ann Arbor after approval as to form by the City Attorney; and
RESOLVED, That the City Administrator be authorized to take all necessary administrative actions to implement this Resolution.