An Ordinance to Amend Chapter 103 (Historic Preservation) by Adding Section 8:425.15, the South Fourth and Fifth Avenue Historic District, of Title VIII of the Code of the City of Ann Arbor (Ordinance No. ORD-10-22)
Pursuant to City Council resolutions R-09-345 (August 17, 2009) and R-09-374 (September 8, 2009) establishing the South Fourth and Fifth Avenue Historic District Study Committee ("Committee") and appointing its members, the Committee has completed its work and recommends that City Council approve the draft ordinance to create the South Fourth and Fifth Avenue Historic District.
The Committee began meeting in September, 2009 and toured the proposed district as a group and individually. Research assignments were divided among Committee members who used historic sources and data to research the history of each building in the proposed district and for the district as a whole.
This research culminated in the adoption of a preliminary report on February 12, 2010. The historic research led the Committee to conclude that a logical southern boundary for the district should include the properties on the south side of Packard Street because of the age and history of the houses and their relationship to the history of the remainder of the proposed district.
The Committee transmitted the report to the Planning Commission, the Historic District Commission and the State Historic Preservation Office for review and comment. The Planning Commission did not make a recommendation regarding the district but included their meeting minutes regarding the discussion of the district (attached). The Historic District Commission did the same (attached). The State Historic Preservation Office had two minor comments (attached). Comments from all three bodies have been incorporated into the final report.
The Committee held a public hearing on May 5, 2010, after waiting the required minimum 60 days after transmitting the report. Notice of the public hearing was provided by first class mail to all of the property owners and occupants of the district more than 14 days prior to hearing. A summary of the public hearing comments is attached, in addition to written comments received by the Committee.
The majority of the comments at the public hearing were in favor of the proposed historic district, and a number of property owners south of Packard expressed a desire to have that portion of the neighborhood included in the district. An owner of properties on Fifth Avenue and his representatives expressed an objection to the district. The minutes from the public hearing are attached.
On May 17, 2010, the Committee met to review a draft final report. After requesting some minor changes and additions to the report and survey cards, the Committee adopted the final report as amended. The Committee's final report is attached. Final survey sheets are also attached.
Following the May 17, 2010 Committee meeting, additional comments and corrections were received from the State Historic Preservation Office as well as Committee members. These comments are attached.
The Committee is recommending that Council approve the creation of the district and adopt the ordinance amendment to do so. The ordinance amendment is attached.
In the ordinance amendment, the legal description and map of the proposed district have been revised slightly from the final report for accuracy and consistency with the committee's recommendation. The revised description and map have not modified the list of properties recommended by the committee to be included in the district.
The Committee also passed a resolution (attached) recommending that Council appoint a study committee to study the area south of Packard and east of South Fifth Avenue. While the Committee did not have the time to study this area, a number of property owners have brought forward historic research and other information that indicate the potential for a historic district in this location.
Attachments: Ordinance
Historic District Map
Final Report: Fourth and Fifth Avenue Historic District Study
Attachment A, Parts 1-3 - Final Survey Sheets
5/17/10 Study Committee Resolution
Late Comments
5/5/10 Public Hearing Summary
State Historic Preservation Office Comments
4/6/10 City Planning Commission Minutes
Historic District Commission Minutes
Compilation of Written Comments Received
Prepared by: Kristine Kidorf, Historic Preservation Consultant
Reviewed by: Wendy L. Rampson, Planning Manager
Sumedh Bahl, Interim Community Services Administrator
(See attached ordinance.)