Resolution to Approve a Contract with Margolis Companies for Bluffs Park Entry Improvements ($49,998.00)
Attached for your review and action is a resolution to approve a $49,998.00 contract with Margolis Companies, Inc. to perform entry improvements for Bluffs Park.
Bluffs Park is a 40 acre natural area bordered by Main Street, Huron View Blvd, and Sunset Road. Access to this large natural area has been challenging, as the only street bordering the park was on a busy section of north Main Street. In 2010 the City acquired property from Sunset Road to the south entrance of Bluffs Park. This project creates a pedestrian path, removes an existing parking lot that is only accessible from the neighboring property, creates a stormwater basin, provides landscaping with trees and prairie planting, and creates a welcoming park entrance. Because this new entrance is primarily to serve neighbors of the park as well as mountain bicyclists, staff determined that on street parking would be adequate.
A public meeting was held in February 2012, and additionally staff met with the adjacent neighbors to the park, including the Elks lodge. The neighbors who attended were in favor of creating access and improving the landscape.
The Parks and Recreation Open Space Plan includes the goal to 'provide physical connections such as walkways, bikeways, trails between City parks, and access to parks from adjacent neighborhoods where opportunities exist and strive to create linkages where they are lacking. This improvement meets the goal by creating access to a park that was previously only accessible by trespassing on private property, or from a busy street with no parking.
Bids were received from five contractors:
Margolis Contracting $49,998.00*
Fonson, Inc. $62,347.00
JB Contracting $72,295.60
Erie Construction $78,612.16
Eagle Construction $163,770.00
*Lowest Responsible Bid
Staff is recommending awarding a contract to Margolis Companies, Inc. in the amount of $49,998.00 for improvements to Bluffs Park. You are also requested to approve a 10% construction contingency ($4,999.00) to cover potential contract change orders to be approved by the City Administrator. It is requested that the project budget of $54,998.00 be approved for the construction contract and associated contingency for the life of the project without regard to fiscal year. Funding is available in the approved FY2013 Park Maintenance and Capital Improvements Millage.
Margolis Companies, Inc. meets the living wage and prevailing wage requirements and received Human Rights approval on July16, 2012.
Prepared by: Amy Kuras, Landscape Architect II
Reviewed by: Colin Smith, Parks & Recreation Services Manager and Sumedh Bahl, Community Services Area Administrator
Approved by: Steven D. Powers, City Administrator
Whereas, The City purchased an addition to Bluffs Park off of Sunset Road and South of Bluffs park with the goal of providing access to Bluffs Park;
Whereas, This project includes the construction of a pedestrian access path, as well as removing an old existing asphalt parking area, clearing the site of existing construction debris and tree stumps, improving landscaping, and providing for stormwater runoff;
Whereas, Competitive bids were received by Purchasing on July 12, 2012;
Whereas, Margolis Companies, Inc. submitted the lowest responsive bid;
Whereas, Margolis Companies, Inc. received Human Rights approval on July16, 2012; and
Whereas, Funding for the project is available in the approved FY2013 Park Maintenance and Capital Improvements Millage;
RESOLVED, That City Council approve a contract with Margolis Companies, Inc. to make improvements to Bluffs Park in the amount of $49,998.00 and approve a construction contingency of $4,999.00 (10%) for the project to cover potential contract change orders for a total project amount of $54,997.00 for the life of the project without regard to fiscal year;
RESOLVED, That the City Administrator be authorized to take all necessary administrative actions to implement this resolution including the authority to approve change orders within the approved contingency; and
RESOLVED, That the Mayor and City Clerk be authorized and directed to execute the contract after approval as to substance by the City Administrator and approval as to form by the City Attorney.