Resolution to Approve Purchase of Quicklime for Water Treatment from Carmeuse Lime Inc; Beachville Bid No. ITB-4095 (estimated $651,000.00/yr)
Your approval is requested to authorize the purchase of quicklime for the Water Treatment Services Unit. The Water Treatment Plant uses quicklime as the most cost effective method for softening the drinking water. The estimated cost of this chemical for FY2011 is $651,000.00.
The only bid received was:
Carmeuse Lime Inc; Beachville - $166.91/ton + $20.60/ton during weight restrictions
It is recommended that the resolution be approved to satisfy the Water Treatment Service Unit's requirement of quicklime for FY2011 from Carmeuse Lime Inc in Beachville, Ontario as the lowest responsible bidder.
It is also recommended that the purchasing agreement be extended for up to three additional years at no increase in cost if the vendor is agreeable, and if the City deems it to be in its best interest.
Funds are specifically budgeted for this purchase in the approved FY2011 Operations and Maintenance Budget for the Water Supply System.
Prepared by: Larry Sanford, Assistant Manager, Water Treatment Services
Reviewed by: Sue F. McCormick, Public Services Administrator
Approved by: Roger W. Fraser, City Administrator
Whereas, The Water Treatment Services Unit needs softens the drinking water to meet water quality objectives;
Whereas, Softening drinking water by using quicklime is the most cost effective method for softening City's drinking water;
Whereas, Contracts for supplying estimated requirements are the most stable and cost-effective way of meeting the water treatment needs;
Whereas, Carmeuse Lime Inc; Beachville's bid is the only bid received for the supply of quicklime, based on Water Treatment Services' quality requirements, per Bid No. ITB-4095; and
Whereas, Carmeuse Lime Inc received Human Rights approval on May 20, 2010;
RESOLVED, That Council accepts the bid of Carmeuse Lime Inc; Beachville of $166.91/ton (plus an additional $20.60/ton during frost laws) for the Water Treatment Services Unit in accordance with the terms of Bid No. ITB-4095;
RESOLVED, That the City Administrator be directed to enter into a purchasing agreement in accordance with this resolution at a projected cost of approximately $651,000.00 for a one-year term ending on June 30, 2011;
RESOLVED, That Council authorize the City Administrator to renew the agreement for up to three one-year periods provided both parties agree to an extension subject to the annual appropriation of funds in FY2012, FY2013 and FY2014;
RESOLVED, That the City Administrator be authorized and directed to sign a purchase order with Carmeuse Lime Inc; Beachville for the purchase of quicklime; and
RESOLVED, That the purchase of quicklime be funded from the approved FY2011 Operation and Maintenance Budgets of the Water Supply System.