Resolution to Adopt the 2010 State Revolving Fund Project Plan for Sanitary System Improvements
This is to recommend approval of the attached resolution adopting the 2010 State Revolving Fund (SRF) Project Plan for Sanitary System Improvements, which is required to secure the funds, and the multi-year SRF applications.
Michigan enacted 1988 PA 317, The Clean Water Assistance Act, to establish the State Revolving Fund (SRF) which is now codified as Part 53, 1994 PA 451, of the Natural Resources and Environmental Protection Act. Michigan's Water Pollution Control Revolving Fund, better known as the State Revolving Fund (SRF), is a low 2.5% interest loan financing program that assists qualified local municipalities with the construction of needed improvements to the existing wastewater treatment and collection system. The SRF interest rate is significantly lower than rates available to the City through other financing methods and therefore minimizes costs and rate requirements for sanitary sewer service.
On February 2, 2010, the City Council approved the FY2011-2016 Capital Improvement Plan (CIP). The CIP identifies major public construction projects and improvements anticipated during the next six fiscal years. The CIP has received significant staff and public review, including a public hearing before the City Planning Commission. The CIP serves as a tool to prioritize and plan for capital improvement recommendations of the various City Master Plans. In addition, the CIP will provide guidance in budget preparation and long-range financial planning, particularly with regard to those projects included in the first year of the document, which was approved in the FY2011 Capital Budget.
The attached resolution adopts the 2010 SRF project plan for sanitary system improvements and the multi-year SRF applications.
Prepared by: Cresson Slotten, P.E., Acting Manager, System Planning Unit
Reviewed by: Sue F. McCormick, Public Services Area Administrator
Approved by: Roger Fraser, City Administrator
Whereas, On February 2, 2010, the City Council held a public meeting and approved the FY2011-2016 Capital Improvements Plan;
Whereas, The State Revolving Fund (SRF) is intended to provide low-interest loans for needed improvements to the wastewater treatment process and collection system; and
Whereas, The 2010 SRF Project Plan was submitted at a duly-noticed public meeting scheduled on June 9, 2010 and all public comments have been considered and addressed;
RESOLVED, That City Council adopt the 2010 SRF Project Plan for Sanitary System Improvements and multi-year applications for sanitary system improvements;
RESOLVED, That the Public Services Area Administrator, a position currently held by Sue F. McCormick, be designated as the authorized representative for all activities associated with the projects referenced above; and
RESOLVED, That the City Administrator be authorized to take the necessary administrative actions to implement this resolution.