Resolution to Approve 833 East University Site Plan, 0.2 Acre (CPC Recommendation: Approval - 8 Yeas and 0 Nays)
Attached is a resolution requesting approval of the above site plan to allow the construction of a three-story, 2,955-square foot addition to the rear of the existing structure at 833 East University. A total of four units and 24 tenants are proposed as a result of the addition.
The City Planning Commission, at its meeting of December 16, 2008, recommended approval of the site plan, subject to permission from the Zoning Board of Appeals to alter a nonconforming structure. On December 17, 2008, the Zoning Board of Appeals granted this permission.
The City Planning Commission also recommended approval of the site plan subject to the petitioner working with staff to provide a total of 12 bicycle parking spaces, preferably Type A or B (covered). Subsequently, the petitioner revised the site plan to include 12 covered (Type B) bicycle parking spaces on the site (see revised site plan attached).
Prepared By: Laurie Foondle, Management Assistant
Reviewed By: Mark Lloyd, Planning and Development Services Manager
Jayne Miller, Community Services Administrator
Approved By: Roger W. Fraser, City Administrator
Whereas, 833 East University, LLC, has requested site plan approval in order to allow the construction of a three-story, 2,955-square foot addition to the rear of the existing structure at 833 East University;
Whereas, The Ann Arbor City Planning Commission, on December 16, 2008, recommended approval of said request;
Whereas, The contemplated development will comply with all applicable state, local and federal law, ordinances, standards and regulations;
Whereas, The development would limit the disturbance of natural features to the minimum necessary to allow a reasonable use of the land, applying criteria for reviewing a natural features statement of impact set forth in Chapter 57; and
Whereas, The development would not cause a public or private nuisance and would not have a detrimental effect on the public health, safety or welfare;
RESOLVED, That City Council approve the 833 East University Site Plan.