R4C/R2A Zoning District Study Status Report
In June 2012, Planning staff presented the R4C/R2A Advisory Committee report to City Council. During the presentation, staff outlined a time frame for the Planning Commission to move forward with examining the recommendations of the Advisory Committee. At that time, staff anticipated that the Planning Commission's Ordinance Revisions Committee (ORC) would report back to the Planning Commission in October 2012, and the Planning Commission would report to the City Council in December 2012.
The R4C/R2A Advisory Committee (AC) report identified zoning tools that could be used to help address issues identified through the course of the AC process. The AC report also highlighted the importance of the character of existing neighborhoods and attempted to de-incentivize the demolition of existing structures. While the AC report provided a solid foundation for understanding the issues of the R4C/R2A Zoning Districts, it also underlined the complexity of the issues within these districts.
Ordinance Revisions Committee Work:
In July 2012, the ORC began its work to examine and build upon the recommendations of the AC. The ORC and Planning staff have met 5 times since then. In addition to these meetings, the ORC and staff conducted walking tours of several R4C neighborhoods.
The goals of the ORC are to examine the tools recommended by the AC, research other tools and provide additional knowledge that complements the AC report. The work completed by the AC helped further underline the fact that some of the goals of the City Master Plans are not being served by the existing tools the city currently is utilizing. The ORC has been expanding the scope of research into possible solutions beyond what the AC was able to consider.
Through this process, the ORC is seeking the best tools to align future changes in the R4C/R2A districts with the goals of the community and the City of Ann Arbor Master Plan. The ORC is committed to producing the best product for the community that will result in quality future development that fits the goals of the City and the adjacent neighborhoods.
The issues identified throughout the public process have only reinforced the complexity of the R4C districts. The ORC has determined that more time is needed to intensify research into other tools that similar communities have used. As a result, the Committee is proposing a revised timetable of reporting to Planning Commission in March 2013 and to the City Council in May 2013.
Prepared by: Matthew Kowalski, Planner
Reviewed by: Wendy Rampson, Manager, Planning and Development