Resolution Approving a Purchase Order Contract with Staples Business Advantage for Office Supplies for FY2015 ($92,499.00)
Attached for your review and approval is a resolution to authorize the City of Ann Arbor to approve a purchase order to Staples Business Advantage for the purchase of office supplies for FY2015.
Funding for office supplies are included in the approved FY2015 Service Area/Unit budgets; totaling $92,499.00. Approval of this resolution allows Ann Arbor to participate in a larger group discount.
The City of Ann Arbor is contracting with Staples Business Advantage through its membership in the National Joint Purchasing Alliance (NJPA) and NJPA's Master contract (31210-SCC), which was awarded as part of a public bid process.
NJPA is a Cooperative Purchasing Program of which we are a member, provides the City access to more than 200,000 competitively bid products from more than 40 nationally recognized vendors. There is one other cooperative program offering office supply contracts, MiDeal with OfficeMax. A price comparison found Staples being competitively priced.
Purchases of office supplies from Staples city-wide totaled approximately $92,000.00 for the FY 2014. We currently receive a 1.5% rebate from Staples annually. This results in a savings of approximately ($1,380.00) for fiscal year 2014.
Prepared by: Mark Berryman, Procurement Manager
Reviewed by: Tom Crawford, Financial Services Area Administrator and CFO
Approved by: Steven D. Powers, City Administrator
Whereas, The City of Ann Arbor purchased office supplies that totaled approximately $92,000.00 in fiscal year 2014;
Whereas, The current contract with Staples Business Advantage (Staples) expired on January 31, 2014;
Whereas, A price comparison of two cooperative purchasing contracts was performed by the city's purchasing manager with Staples Business Advantage being the lowest responsible vendor;
Whereas, Funds are available in each Service Area/Unit budget; and
Whereas, Staples Business Advantage received Human Rights approval on July 7, 2014.
RESOLVED, That the Mayor and Council approve an award a purchase order to Staples Business Advantage for FY2015; and
RESOLVED, That the City Administrator be authorized to take all necessary administrative actions to implement this resolution.