Resolution to Extend Resolution R-20-194 - Resolution to Approve Downtown Street Closures for Restaurant and Retail Use During the Time of Mandated Physical Distancing and Resolution R-20-302 - Resolution to Extend Resolution R-20-194 - Resolution to Approve Downtown Street Closures for Restaurant and Retail Use During the Time of Mandated Physical Distancing
Due to the COVID-19 pandemic, Governor Whitmer has enacted a series of Executive Orders aimed at safeguarding public safety. These include mandates requiring minimal physical distancing. A set of strategies and programs have been set forward outlining how downtown Ann Arbor streets, sidewalks, and public parking lots can be utilized during this pandemic period to support economic recovery and build a more resilient community, including supporting physical distancing, encouraging patronage of downtown businesses, and reinforcing core values of safety, mobility, equity, and downtown vitality. The four downtown area associations provided detailed plans for the street blocks in their area they wish to see completely or partially closed for periods of time to create more space for pedestrians and businesses whose seating or sales capacity has been restricted by state mandates.
Prepared by: Tom Crawford, Interim City Administrator
Whereas, Council approved Resolution R-20-194 - Resolution to Approve Downtown Street Closures for Restaurant and Retail Use During the Time of Mandated Physical Distancing on June 1, 2020 <http://a2gov.legistar.com/LegislationDetail.aspx?ID=4548513&GUID=DD182A75-FA00-4807-8A59-83D12F7F76CE&Options=ID%7CText%7C&Search=healthy+streets&FullText=1>;
Whereas, Resolution R-20-194 approved the closing of the streets identified in the “Healthy Streets Map” beginning as early as Friday, June 12, 2020, and ending on the date when the number of people allowed to gather in bars, restaurants or retail stores is no longer reduced by Governor Gretchen Whitmer or any other authority for public health and safety reasons related to the COVID-19 crisis, or until August 23, 2020;
Whereas, Resolution R-20-194 granted the City Administrator the authority and flexibility to expand or scale down the closure days and times of blocks within each business district;
Whereas, Given the continued need for public health and safety related to the COVID-19 crisis and benefit of increased social distancing opportunities for businesses to continue to operate, City Council approved Resolution R-20-302 on August 6, 2020 to Extend the Closing of the Streets approved in R-20-194 until the date when the number of people allowed to gather in bars, restaurants or retail stores is no longer reduced by Governor Gretchen Whitmer or any other authority for public health and safety reasons related to the COVID-19 crisis, or until September 21, 2020;
http://a2gov.legistar.com/LegislationDetail.aspx?ID=4606611&GUID=1FC6A2A7-A75A-4A7D-BD62-5930348AA89C&Options=ID%7CText%7C&Search=R-20-302&FullText=1 <https://gcc02.safelinks.protection.outlook.com/?url=http%3A%2F%2Fa2gov.legistar.com%2FLegislationDetail.aspx%3FID%3D4606611%26GUID%3D1FC6A2A7-A75A-4A7D-BD62-5930348AA89C%26Options%3DID%257CText%257C%26Search%3DR-20-302%26FullText%3D1&data=02%7C01%7CSHiggins%40a2gov.org%7C9bff1eca9e20464f8c2508d83fc4092d%7C48afa58563754170b9d1e9c568bb92f3%7C0%7C0%7C637329458479197448&sdata=eu5W2ty6DYCLLl9Owpe7fDOl%2FT0AMe2j0hQ4jb9jCX0%3D&reserved=0>;
Whereas, Due to the continued need for public health and safety related to the COVID-19 crisis and benefit of increased social distancing opportunities for businesses to operation, it is desirable to extend R-20-302 until November 1, 2020;
RESOLVED, That City Council extend the date listed in Resolutions R-20-194 and R-20-302 to approve the closing of the streets identified in the Map until the date when the number of people allowed to gather in bars, restaurants or retail stores is no longer reduced by Governor Gretchen Whitmer or any other authority for public health and safety reasons related to the COVID-19 crisis, or until November 1, 2020; and
RESOLVED, That all other approved conditions of City Council R-20-194 and R-20-302 remain in place.
Sponsored by: Councilmembers Lumm and Ramlawi