Resolution from Ann Arbor Energy Commission Supporting Proposed Budget Amendment Funding Community Energy and Climate Programs
At its May 12, 2015 meeting the Ann Arbor Energy Commission presented the following resolution which passed by vote of the present body. Support is for an expected amendment to the City's fiscal year 2016 budget proposed by Council members Taylor and Briere for continued funding of community programs supporting the Climate Action Plan.
Prepared by: Nathan Geisler, Systems Planning (Memo) and Energy Commission (Body)
Whereas, The City of Ann Arbor has a longstanding commitment to energy conservation and efficiency dating back to 1981;
Whereas, The City of Ann Arbor recognizes the serious threat that climate change poses to the local environment, to our economy and to our residents' long-term security, livelihoods, and quality of life;
Whereas, On December 17, 2012, the Ann Arbor City Council adopted the Ann Arbor Climate Action Plan which identifies steps to reduce greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions to meet current short-term goals, and to set mid- and long-range targets for emissions reductions into the future;
Whereas, Several findings within the last year have pointed to evidence that the deleterious effects of GHG emissions are increasing at a more rapid rate than previously acknowledged, making rapid action on GHG emission reductions even more imperative;
Whereas, Since the City of Ann Arbor municipal services produces only 1.2% of community-wide greenhouse gas emissions, achieving the Climate Action Plan's adopted targets requires participation from businesses and residents;
Whereas, Investing in energy efficiency has a direct economic benefit in the manufacturing, research and development, and service sectors as well as indirect benefits that come from utility savings that produce a multiplier effect that increases investment in local goods and services;
Whereas, The City of Ann Arbor has proven options available to provide additional services to its residents and businesses to significantly increase energy efficiency and reap the benefits associated with such measures, including better air quality, community health, economic stimulus and our quality of life while insuring that our city reaches the adopted GHG emission reduction targets to which it has committed; and
Whereas, The current level of resources directed by the City of Ann Arbor to energy programs and services limits the extent to which additional programs can be instituted and maintained;
Resolved, That the City of Ann Arbor Energy Commission recommends that the Ann Arbor City Council approve the amendment to the 2015-2016 budget to be proposed by Mayor Taylor and Councilperson Briere that will include devoting additional funding for climate action programs to help residents and businesses in the community reduce GHG generation and to help translate the Climate Action Plan into reality.
AYES: Taylor, Raiman, Wolske, Wadland, Lenski, Macomber, Clevey
NAYS: Hookham
ABSENT: Appleyard, Shriberg]