Resolution to Approve a Contract with Photo Science Geospatial Solutions to Update Geographic Information Data (NTE $53,340.00)
Attached for your review and action is a resolution to approve a contract with Photo Science Geospatial Solutions for Geographic Information Systems (GIS) data development.
The City of Ann Arbor's storm water rate fees are based on the impervious area of parcels. The calculation of the impervious area is determined by collecting aerial infrared photography and using the data to develop digital imagery that is incorporated into the City's GIS. Aerial photography was last collected and storm water rate fees adjusted in 2009. In order to accurately capture impervious area and periodically analyze storm water rates, the aerial ortho-imagery and impervious surface data must be updated on a routine basis.
On October 26, 2011, the City of Ann Arbor issued a Request for Proposal (RFP #804) for the collection of aerial photography and development of the data into ortho-imagery and impervious surface data, in a format compatible with the City's GIS system.
The three finalists were (in order of score):
Photo Science |
$53,340.00 |
Sanborn |
$44,213.00 |
Sidwell |
$49,409.00 |
Of the five responses received, Photo Science Geospatial Solutions' response received the highest evaluation and was deemed most responsive to the City's needs.
The funding for this project is budgeted and approved in the FY2012 Information Technology Fund Budget.
Photo Science Geospatial Solutions received Human Rights approval on February 7, 2012, and complies with the Living Wage Ordinance.
Prepared by: Merle Johnson, GIS Manager, Information Technology
Reviewed by: Dan Rainey, Director, Information Technology and Tom Crawford, Finance and Administrative Services Administrator/CFO
Approved by: Steven D. Powers, City Administrator
Whereas, The City of Ann Arbor storm water rate fees are based on the impervious area of parcels;
Whereas, The calculation of the city's impervious area is determined from ortho-imagery developed from aerial infrared photographs, and the most recent ortho-imagery was developed in 2009;
Whereas A Request for Proposal was issued October 26, 2011 to collect the aerial imagery, develop ortho-images, and update impervious surface data in a format compatible with the City's GIS system;
Whereas, Photo Science Photo Science Geospatial Solutions received the highest evaluation and was deemed most responsive to the City's needs for collection of aerial imagery, development of ortho-images and update impervious surface data in a format compatible with the City's GIS system;
Whereas, Photo Science received Human Rights approval on February 7, 2012, and complies with the Living Wage Ordinance; and
Whereas, The project total is approved and budgeted in the FY2012 IT Fund Budget;
RESOLVED, That City Council approve the contract with Photo Science Geospatial Solutions to collect aerial imagery, develop ortho-images, and update impervious surface data;
RESOLVED, That the Mayor and City Clerk be authorized and directed to execute the contract with Photo Science Geospatial Solutions following approval as to substance by the City Administrator, and approval as to form and content by the City Attorney; and
RESOLVED, That City Council authorize the City Administrator to take necessary administrative actions to implement this resolution regardless of fiscal year.