Resolution to Approve City of Ann Arbor Fire Department as a Funding Participant of the 2014 Fire Prevention and Safety (FP&S) Grant from the US Department of Homeland Security ($251,116.00), and Appropriate Share of Matching Grant Funds to the Fire Service Unit ($3,631.00) (8 Votes Required)
The attached resolution approves the City of Ann Arbor Fire Department (AAFD) agency participation in the City of Ypsilanti Fire Department application for a 2014 Fire Prevention and Safety (FP&S) Grant from the US Department of Homeland Security from the US Department of Homeland Security. If the grant is awarded to the City of Ypsilanti, it authorizes AAFD to establish a grant administration fund account, appropriate matching funds to the Fire Department expenditure funds and finally transfer all matching funding to the major grant fund for the management of the grant and expenditure of the funds by AAFD for the life of the Project without regard to fiscal year.
The application process began in March of 2014 and the continuation of this process and required appropriation of matching funds requires the approval of this resolution per city policy. The award, under the auspice of the Fire Prevention and Safety grant program (FP&S), if received, would fund Fire Prevention training and computer technology equipment for four Fire Departments within Washtenaw County. This grant program is a competitive peer review program. The anticipated grant amount, if the City of Ypsilanti is awarded the grant, would be $251,116.00.
Four Washtenaw County Fire Departments have agreed to participate with the City of Ypsilanti regional grant application and will be responsible for a share of the 5% match to the grant ($12,555.80) defined by the number of each department's requests for training and equipment.
The Ann Arbor Fire Department (AAFD) will be responsible for funding their portion of the 5% of grant monies, at $3,631.00.
The approval of this grant will provide funding to train the Fire Department's personnel on the National Fire Protection Agency Fire (NFPA) Inspector II, Site Plan Review, and Vehicle Fire Investigation requirements (NFPA 1 - Fire Code, NFPA 13 - Installation of Sprinkler Systems, NFPA 25 -Water-Based Fire Protection Systems, NFPA 72 - National Fire Alarm Code, NFPA 101 - Life Safety Code, NFPA, 220 - Standard on Types of Building Codes and NFPA 921 - Guide for Fire and Explosion Investigation).
A major portion of the current Ann Arbor Fire Department Fire Inspectors has not been certified in Fire Inspector II, Site Plan Review, and Vehicle Investigation training. This training along with required testing will create better educated, certified, and knowledgeable Fire Prevention Personnel. The grant will also provide computer technology that will allow more efficient work practices by using mobile tablets and printers within fire personnel vehicles. This computer technology will also help decrease report writing practices while providing better customer service. These computer tablets will replace the current Fire Prevention desktop computers therefore replacement funds for future replacements will already be covered by IT Budget Funding.
Taking a regional approach in supplying National Standard Fire Prevention training to all four Fire Departments within Washtenaw County (City of Ann Arbor, City of Ypsilanti, Dexter Area, and Augusta Township) will improve team work and expectations among mutual aid departments.
If the Township is awarded the grant, City matching funds in the amount of $3,631.00 required as participators under the grant will need to be appropriated from General Fund Balance to the Fire Service Unit without regard to fiscal year, documenting the 5% local match. For grant administration, theses matching City funds will then need to be appropriated to the Major Grant Fund established for the Project.
If the Township is not awarded the grant, no grant administration or transfer of funds will be necessary.
Prepared by: Assistant Chief Ellen Taylor, AAFD
Reviewed by: Chief Larry Collins, Fire Chief
Approved by: Steven D. Powers, City Administrator
Whereas, The Fire Department is seeking to continue their participation as a partner on a regional AFG grant application hosted by the City of Ypsilanti Fire Department, for Fire Prevention Training and Computer Technology equipment;
Whereas, If the City of Ypsilanti Fire Department is awarded the grant in the amount of $251,116.00, the City of Ann Arbor Fire Department (AAFD) will be required to match their share ($3,631.00) of the 5% matching grant terms of $12,555.80;
Whereas, The AAFD has determined it necessary to provide its Fire Prevention personnel National Standard Inspector II, Site Plan Review, and Vehicle Fire Investigation requirements (NFPA 1 - Fire Code, NFPA 13 - Installation of Sprinkler Systems, NFPA 25 -Water-Based Fire Protection Systems, NFPA 72 - National Fire Alarm Code, NFPA 101 - Life Safety Code, NFPA, 220 - Standard on Types of Building Codes and NFPA 921 - Guide for Fire and Explosion Investigation);
Whereas, Part of the city's commitment is to provide safer environments for its community, businesses, employees, residents and visitors. The proactive philosophy of fire prevention and fire education are important components of the fire department. The prevention of a structure fire is more effective and less costly than to fight a fire after one has started;
Whereas, AAFD is participating as a partner for a regional grant on behalf of four Fire Departments within Washtenaw County (City of Ann Arbor, City of Ypsilanti, Dexter Area, and Augusta Township);
Whereas, The approval of continuing the application and accepting this regional Fire Prevention and Safety grant will provide Fire Prevention Bureau personnel Fire Inspection and Investigation training to provide more proficient and efficient preventative and reactive duties in fire safety;
Whereas, The grant will provide funding for computer technology to utilize mobile fire prevention activities. The grant will allow each participating Fire Department its desired amount of vehicle mobile computers and printers to create customer documents on site of fire preventative activities;
Whereas, Four Washtenaw County Fire Department's will be working together as a newly created Fire Prevention work group, in efforts to train and coordinate team work and possibly shared resources with neighboring fire departments;
Whereas, It is necessary to appropriate matching funds of $3,631.00 from General Fund Balance to the Fire Service Unit budget without regard to fiscal year for this Project; and
Whereas, It is necessary to establish a Major Grant fund for this award and appropriate matching funds into the Major Grant Fund for expenditure during the life of the project without regard to fiscal year;
RESOLVED, That City Council approve AAFD continuation as a regional partner participator with The City of Ypsilanti Fire Department for a Fire Prevention and Safety (FP & S) Grant, and subject to grant award to the City of Ypsilanti, accept partnership requirements from the US Department of Homeland Security for Fire Inspector and Fire Investigation training and mobile computer equipment, including required AAFD's share of grant local funding;
RESOLVED, That on receipt of award notice from the City of Ypsilanti, the City Administrator be directed to establish a Major Grant Fund for this Project and transfer all the necessary matching funds of $3,631.00 to the major grant fund for the management of the grant and expenditure of the funds by AAFD for the life of the Project without regard to fiscal year;
RESOLVED, That if the City of Ypsilanti Fire Department be awarded the grant, the Mayor. City Clerk, and Fire Chief be authorized and directed to execute on behalf of the City as an agency participant any required supporting grant documentation after approval as to substance by the City Administrator and after approval as to form by the City Attorney; and
RESOLVED, That the City Administrator be authorized to take all necessary actions to implement this Resolution.