Resolution to Appropriate Fund Balance from the Water Supply System to Fund the Remainder of the University of Michigan’s Efforts on the Water Research Foundation’s Grant Funded Research Project Entitled “Optimizing Filter Backwashing Procedures to Reduce Selection for Opportunistic Pathogens in Drinking Water” ($109,056.00) (8 Votes Required)
Resolution requests an appropriation of $109,056.00 from the Water Supply System Fund Balance to fund the remainder of the University of Michigan’s efforts on the “Optimizing Filter Backwashing Procedures to Reduce Selection for Opportunistic Pathogens in Drinking Water” Water Research Foundation Grant Project.
In FY18, the City received a grant from the Water Research Foundation in the amount of $100,000.00 the research project “Optimizing Filter Backwashing Procedures to Reduce Selection for Opportunistic Pathogens in Drinking Water”. The total budget for this project was $341,649.00, for which the City of Ann Arbor is the sponsoring utility. Of the budget, the University of Michigan agreed to provide $67,108.00 in in-kind support. The City and the University also entered into an agreement whereby the City would pay the University of Michigan $204,366.00 over two years for their staffing and work on this project. Of the $204,366.00, $109,056.00 has yet to be paid to the University for this Agreement.
The project was authorized and funded in FY18 by Resolution 17-296. The effort with the University of Michigan is to span two fiscal years, and the budget appropriation, and corresponding 8 votes, were not received in the initial resolution brought before Council. This resolution will satisfy the 8 votes requirement and allow the appropriation of
funding and the completion of the project in FY19 by the University of Michigan.
Budget/Fiscal Impact: Although planned in FY19, this project was not budgeted for in the Water Supply System Operations and Maintenance Budget. The completion of the project will require $109,056.00 to be appropriated from fund balance.
Submitted by: Lynne Chaimowitz, Public Services Administration
Reviewed by: Craig Hupy, Public Services Area Administrator
Approved by: Howard S. Lazarus, City Administrator
Whereas, The Water Research Foundation Grant Project “Optimizing Filter Backwashing Procedures to Reduce Selection for Opportunistic Pathogens in Drinking Water” was approved by Council in R-17-296;
Whereas, The City entered into a Council Approved Research Agreement with the University of Michigan on the research project; and
Whereas, Funding was not budgeted in the FY19 Water Supply System’s Operations and Maintenance Budget to complete the research project;
RESOLVED, That the City appropriate $109,056.00 from the Water Supply System Fund Balance to the FY19 Water Supply System Operation and Maintenance Budget to fund the completion of the Research Agreement; and
RESOLVED, That the City Administrator be authorized to take the necessary administrative actions to implement this resolution.