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File #: 12-1179    Version: 1 Name: 12/3/12 - Emergency Environmental Cleanup Services
Type: Resolution Status: Passed
File created: 12/3/2012 In control: City Council
On agenda: 12/3/2012 Final action: 12/3/2012
Enactment date: 12/3/2012 Enactment #: R-12-536
Title: Resolution to Approve Professional Service Agreement with Terra Contracting, LLC for Emergency Spill Response Services (Not-to-Exceed $50,000.00)
Attachments: 1. PSA_Terra_01.pdf
Resolution to Approve Professional Service Agreement with Terra Contracting, LLC for Emergency Spill Response Services (Not-to-Exceed $50,000.00)
Your approval is requested for a Professional Service Agreement for Emergency Spill Response Services with Terra Contracting, LLC.
The Federal Clean Water Act prohibits discharge of polluting material into Waters of the State, which include the Huron River and the seven creeks that flow through portions of the city.  The City of Ann Arbor's stormwater system serves as a direct conduit to these waters and as such, any spill of fuel, oil, grease, paint or other polluting materials that has the potential to affect water quality must be immediately contained and removed.  The City of Ann Arbor does not have the resources to contain and remediate large spills (>25 gallons).  Thus, having a contract with an environmental remediation company is necessary to ensure immediate response during a spill event.
In July 2012, the City issued a request for proposals (RFP 831) to provide emergency spill response services to the City's Field Operations Unit for a 12-month period.  Three proposals were received and were evaluated for company location and response time, level of service offered, equipment inventory and hourly rates.  Terra Contracting, LLC, located in Romulus, MI was selected as the most qualified firm to perform this work. Terra Contracting, LLC is in close proximity to Ann Arbor, offers a full range of cleanup services, and has a proven history of high quality, cost-effective spill response.  The contract shall be structured with not-to-exceed limits of $50,000.00, with no minimum required expenditures.
It is therefore, recommended that City Council approve the Professional Services Agreement with Terra Contracting, LLC in an amount not to exceed $50,000.00, as the company selected to provide Emergency Spill Response Services to the Field Operations Services Unit for FY13 and FY14.  The Professional Services Agreement will be coordinated with Fire and Emergency Management.
The City of Ann Arbor does invoice responsible parties for expenses incurred when responding to and cleaning up spills.
Terra Contracting, LLC has received Human Rights approval on July 16, 2012, and complies with the living wage ordinance.
These contracted services are to be funded on an as-needed basis from the approved FY13 Stormwater System Operation and Maintenance Budget and the FY 14 Stormwater System Operation and Maintenance Budget if so approved by Council.  
Prepared by:  Jennifer E. Lawson, Water Quality Manager
Reviewed by:  Craig Hupy, P.E., Public Services Administrator
Approved by:  Steven D. Powers, City Administrator
Whereas, In order to comply with the Federal Clean Water Act, the Field Operations Services Unit requires Emergency Spill Response Services support to address spills of polluting materials in excess of 25 gallons;
Whereas, The Emergency Spill Response Services will be provided for 12 months, and will be funded from the approved FY13 Stormwater System Operating budget and the FY14 Stormwater System Operating budget, if so approved by Council;
Whereas, Of three proposals received, Terra Contracting, LLC was the selected company that best fit the qualifications; and
Whereas, Terra Contracting, LLC has received Human Rights approval on July 16, 2012, and complies with the Living Wage Ordinance;
RESOLVED, That Council accepts the proposal and awards a Professional Services Agreement to Terra Contracting, LLC in an amount not to exceed $50,000.00, for Emergency Spill Response Services; and
RESOLVED, That the Mayor and City Clerk be authorized and directed to execute the agreement for services after approval as to substance by the City Administrator and approval as to form by the City Attorney.