Resolution to Approve a Subrecipient Agreement with Creative Washtenaw to Design and Administer a Grant Program for Artists and Arts Organizations on Behalf of the City Using the ARPA SLFRF Funds Allocated for this Purpose ($500,000)
Attached for your review and approval is a resolution to authorize an agreement with Creative Washtenaw for the development and administration of a grant program for artists and arts organizations for whom the pandemic has had an inordinate and traumatic impact.
Creative Washtenaw has demonstrated it has deep knowledge of the Ann Arbor arts and creative industries community as well as experience administering grant and aid programs. As the subrecipient of these funds, Creative Washtenaw agrees to work closely with City Staff to establish the grant program guidelines and funding criteria to meet community goals and federal SLFRF guidelines. Subrecipient will be responsible for all aspects of the grant program management and administration.
Prepared by: Skye Stewart, Chief of Staff, Public Services Area
Reviewed by: Brian Steglitz, Public Services Area Administrator
Reviewed by: John Fournier, Deputy City Administrator
Approved by: Milton Dohoney Jr., City Administrator
Whereas, On March 11, 2021 the American Rescue Plan was enacted, creating a program for state and local government relief related to the economic conditions created by the COVID-19 Pandemic;
Whereas, On April 4, 2022 City Council adopted resolution #R-22-096, which directed the final project allocation for ARPA Funds including $500,000 in Funding for the Arts to provide grants to artists and arts organizations to support ongoing pandemic recovery;
Whereas, On May 16, 2022 City Council adopted resolution #R-22-146, which appropriated the ARPA Funds pursuant to resolution #R-22-096; including up $200,000 for arts-based trauma programs from the $500,000 allocation of ARPA funds for Funding for the Arts; and
Whereas, Council wishes to clarify the use of this $200,000 to more expressly include support for youth, BIPOC, and other marginalized populations;
RESOLVED, That the City Council approve up to $200,000 from the $500,000 allocation of ARPA funds for trauma-informed arts programs, including programs that:
• Are intended to mediate the negative impacts of psychological trauma on the individuals creating or experiencing the art;
• Support at-risk youth, BIPOC, and other marginalized populations who are at much higher risk for exposure to trauma;
• Promote a culture of healing, safety, empowerment, awareness of past traumas, and have a focus on strength and resilience;
• Are not necessarily administered by license-holding mental health professionals, but are administered by individuals who make a good faith effort to employ trauma-informed principles.
RESOLVED, That City Council approve the attached Subrecipient Agreement with Creative Washtenaw to design and administer a grant program for artists and arts organizations on behalf of the City using the ARPA SLFRF funds allocated for this purpose.