Resolution to Approve a Professional Service Agreement with Northwest Consultants, Inc. for the Stadium Boulevard Reconstruction Project ($930,822.00)
Attached for your review and approval, please find a resolution to approve a professional services agreement with Northwest Consultants, Inc. (NCI) in the amount of $930,822.00 for design services for the Stadium Boulevard Reconstruction Project.
The City received three proposals from professional engineering firms for the performance of the work. A selection committee thoroughly evaluated each proposal and interviewed the firms. NCI was found to be the most qualified firm for the project based on their proposed scope of work, competitive fee schedule, and interview. NCI was the firm that prepared the plans and specifications for the award winning E. Stadium Bridges (Ann Arbor Bridges) Replacement Project. The City will be able to utilize NCI's past experience with Stadium Boulevard.
The complexity of the Stadium Boulevard Reconstruction Project requires City staff be assisted by a design engineer. NCI will assist with public engagement and community involvement; roadway and underground utility design; coordinating all needed work with the private utility companies, the University of Michigan, Ann Arbor Public Schools, and AAATA; structural engineering to design retaining walls; creating project schedules and analyze anticipated construction durations and impacts and identify schedule milestone dates compatible with the Community's needs; identifying potential construction staging areas; and other related tasks to ensure the successful completion of the project.
The project is expected to present certain design challenges. The City will be including public involvement and alternative option analysis during the design phase of the project. During the public involvement and alternative option analysis, several options will be evaluated to determine the most feasible option from the viewpoint of community expectations and desires, constructability, and probable cost. All options considered will be tested with the public through community workshops, stakeholder meetings, information packets, and other tools designed to provide information about the project and request the public's input in a proactive manner and obtain feedback regarding our understanding of the project. At the end of this phase, the "most feasible" option will be chosen.
A detailed construction schedule will be developed during the project's design once all project elements have been determined. A February 2016 bid letting is planned.
The Stadium Boulevard Reconstruction Project includes the complete reconstruction of Stadium Boulevard from Kipke Drive to Hutchins, the final phase of a multi-year project to reconstruct Stadium Boulevard from Maple Road to S. Industrial Highway. The planned project scope includes total reconstruction of the roadway with a four/five lane cross-section following the City's Complete Streets Policy. Expected roadway elements include on-street bike lanes; completing the sidewalk gap along the south side of E. Stadium Boulevard from its current terminus just west of the U of M Golf Course entrance to the Main Street/Stadium Boulevard intersection; ADA compliant facilities; and, street lighting consistent with existing lighting along the recently reconstructed portions of East and West Stadium Boulevard. Other project elements will include replacing/upsizing the existing 20" transite raw water main within the project limits; replacing/upsizing the existing 6" water main in W. Stadium Boulevard between S. Main Street and Hutchins; storm water quality improvements in accordance with the City's Green Streets Policy; completing sanitary sewer leads to existing un-serviced parcels along W. Stadium Boulevard; and all related improvements.
The 2012 - 2017 Capital Improvements Plan includes TR-SC-09-03 (roadway); UT-ST-09-04 (storm water); and, UT-WS-09-03 and WS-10-12 (water system) that comprise the Stadium Boulevard Reconstruction Project. Funding for the design work is in the FY15 Public Services Capital Budget.
NCI received Human Rights and Living Wage approval on May 9, 2014.
Prepared by: Nicholas S. Hutchinson, P.E., City Engineer, Project Management
Reviewed by: Craig Hupy, P.E., Public Services Area Administrator
Approved by: Steve Powers, City Administrator
Whereas, It is necessary to retain the services of a professional consulting engineering firm to perform the needed public engagement and design engineering tasks associated with the Stadium Boulevard Reconstruction Project;
Whereas, The professional engineering firm of Northwest Consultants, Inc., of Toledo, Ohio has submitted to the City a proposal for the necessary services, setting forth the services to be performed by said firm, and the payments to be made by the City therefore, all of which are agreeable to the City;
Whereas, Northwest Consultants, Inc. received Human Rights and Living Wage approval on May 9, 2014; and
Whereas, Funding for this project is available in the appropriate approved capital budgets; and
RESOLVED, That a professional services agreement with Northwest Consultants, Inc. in the amount of $930,822.00 be approved;
RESOLVED, That the Mayor and City Clerk be authorized and directed to execute said agreement after approval as to form by the City Attorney and approval as to substance by the City Administrator;
RESOLVED, That the City Administrator be authorized to approve amendments to Northwest Consultants, Inc.'s professional services agreement up to $94,000.00 in order to satisfactorily complete the project; and
RESOLVED, That the City Administrator be authorized to take the necessary administrative actions to implement this resolution.