Local Officers Compensation Commission
Established in Section 1:800, Chapter 22, Title I of the Ann Arbor City Code
To determine the salaries of the Mayor and members of the City Council, which determination shall be the salaries unless rejected by 2/3 of the members serving on the City Council.
Special Qualifications for Appointment
All officers must be registered electors of the City, but requirement can be waived by a vote of 7 Councilmembers. The Ordinance prohibits members or employees of legislative, judicial or executive branch of any government, and members of their immediate families, from serving.
Length of Terms
7 years - all terms are staggered and end on September 30 in the year of expiration. Members cannot continue to serve after term expiration until a successor is appointed.
Meeting Times and Frequency
This is a permanent commission that meets 15 session days or less in every odd numbered year. The first meeting can be scheduled at any time in the year. The Commission must make its salary determinations within 45 days of its first meeting.
Membership / Committee Composition
7 members appointed by the Mayor, subject to confirmation by a majority of the members elected and serving in the City Council
Contact info
Chris Frost
Assistant City Attorney