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Type: Council Committee
Meeting location: Larcom City Hall, 301 E Huron St, Third floor, conference room

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Brownfields Plan Review Committee
Established by Resolution No. R-127-4-03 on April 7, 2003.

To put into place an adequate process for fact-finding, community input and Council review and/or action as an application progressed through the application process to the Washtenaw County Brownfields Redevelopment Authority for final action, if necessary, by City Council.

To coordinate the application submission process, up to and through a determination by the Washtenaw County Brownfields Redevelopment Authority. The Committee may conduct any fact-finding it determines necessary to the application process and may recommend specific actions at any state of the process to Council and development of a community forum on the Brownfields Implementation Plan to be conducted prior to submission of any application to the Washtenaw County Brownfields Redevelopment Authority to provide greater public participation at the initial stages of the process.

Special Qualifications
Membership is limited Council Members and staff appointed by the city administrator, and the city attorney or his/her designee.

Length of Terms
Terms last until such time as Council decides to alter the composition of the Committee or the named Council members wish to withdraw from the Committee.

Meeting Times and Frequency
As needed

This committee is charged with development of a community forum on the Brownfields Implementation Plan to be conducted prior to submission of any application to the Washtenaw County Brownfields Redevelopment Authority to provide greater public participation at the initial stages of the process.

Membership/Committee Composition
up to 4 members of Council and staff appointed by the City Administrator and the City Attorney, or his/her designee.

Contact Person
Brett Lenart Planning & Development Services 734-794-6000 x42665